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December 21, 2005
Trufle Shuffle, or...
How we will Wind Up Eating Everything but the Cats Before this Strike is Over

On Sunday, I baked three different kinds of holiday cookies-- shortbread, iced sugar cookies, and pecan slices. These were meant for my coworkers, as I was unsure of what type of holiday cheer (if any) was appropriate in my new office, and food always does the trick.
On Monday we received a box of what have to be the most delicious and deadly truffles from my cousin and her husband.
On Tuesday, during our first day of forced hibernation, things began to disappear.
In sum, this morning I peeked into my cookie piles and realized that I will have some baking to do before returning to work. Or perhaps I should make New Year's cookies instead. Regardless, we cannot stop eating the cookies and truffles. I hope that we can fit out the door on Friday when it is time to go visit the family (where, coincidentally, we are having a Craft in Saratoga-- braised short ribs, potatoes au gratin, herbed hen of the woods, and something chocolate for desert.) Pretty soon, we will all start looking like Olga.
Posted by callalillie at December 21, 2005 8:30 AM | City Life , Food
Posted by: tien at December 21, 2005 10:45 AM
Posted by: corie at December 21, 2005 10:54 AM
Whoah, I'll be 20 minutes away from you guys on xmas. You should use extra cookies and truffles to bribe the cabbies to get you to Penn Station on time for your train to Saratoga.
Posted by: yp at December 21, 2005 11:28 AM
vosges was started in chicago .. it's great. there's this white truffle they have with kalamata olives that's awesome. they combine all kinds of things you would think wouldnt taste good and they turn out great.
Posted by: rachelle at December 21, 2005 8:11 PM
At least Madame Olga likes the catcondo. Does she let the other cats near it, or is it "hers"?
Posted by: Divaah46 at December 21, 2005 9:47 PM
I loved the curry truffle. Yum!
As for the cat condo...they take turns with it. It's rare that there's more than one cat on it at a time at this point, though.
Posted by: corie at December 22, 2005 9:35 AM