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August 17, 2003

Crowd Dynamics


I wasn't going to post about Thursday, as it seems most folks have already done so-- and I'm getting a bit bored with talking about it. I couldn't resist highlighting my thoughts, however, on crowd dynamics, as I haven't read anything yet about it.

The above photo is from the Brooklyn Bridge. I was actually heading east to Brooklyn but turned around to snap this pix. Note all of the people scrambling to climb the retaining wall between the roadway (where I am standing) and the pedestrian walkway.

Somehow news filtered down that the police were forcing people to climb the walls or turn back. As women in their business suit skirts tried to scale the sharp fence posts, I and my office clan forged forward. "How could that be?" we asked one another. And, of course, it wasn't true. But when one or two begin to climb walls in a stressfull situation, the mob generally follows. It was like a New York City game of telephone.

Hmm. Interesting.

Posted by callalillie at August 17, 2003 9:34 AM |


and all they had to do was walk 40 ft around the wall.

Posted by: nonreclusivesean at August 19, 2003 12:08 AM

>I couldn't resist highlighting my thoughts, however, on crowd dynamics, as I haven't read anything yet about it.

You may be interested to read about it on our website -

I'd like to hear more about your experience at Brooklyn.

Best regards,


Posted by: Dr. G. Keith Still at November 6, 2003 8:00 AM

Hi, I wrote to many themes, but this is realy interresting.
Yes. I agree.
This is very interesting.
Thanks for the information!

Posted by: Graz at May 3, 2004 8:53 AM

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