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August 18, 2003

But What Does it Mean?


This question came up a while ago...and those who have real-time conversations with me know that I've brought it up a lot. I want to know the answer to, quite simply, this question:

What does "dating" mean?

You can laugh if you want to. You can roll your eyes if you want to. But seriously folks, have you ever "dated" some one? Is dating different from "hanging out" or being "in a relationship" with some one? Or is it somewhere in between? I can't recall ever really being "on a date." I've gone out to dinner with people that I've liked "more than friends" but I've never considered that a conventional "date."

Perhaps I'm just a little semantically retarded. Or obsessive. Or just in the habit of polarizing things...for it seems like I've either just had sleeping buddies or monogamous relationships...but no dating in either.

Regardless, I need some definitions, people.
Post 'em and set me straight.

Posted by callalillie at August 18, 2003 12:26 PM |


Back in the "old" days it meant that period when you go on planned, one-on-one outings (e.g., dinner, movies, etc.) to get to know the other person better before deciding if you want to take this to the next level (fill in your own definition of that). It's more structured than just impromptu hanging out, although I suspect that "hanging out" has replaced dating for your generation (boy, that sounds old!).

Posted by: jw at August 18, 2003 2:16 PM

i think i have been dating recently, but this is only evidenced my general lack of interest in the people i've been going out with. so i call it 'dating'. if i was really into them and things started heading anywhere, i would no longer call it that. so i think the term is mostly used as a way to defuse process of meeting potential romantic partners and make it seem more casual, even though it's actually rather horrifying.

Posted by: Jimmy Legs at August 18, 2003 2:20 PM

dating, dating....hmmmm for lesbians the second date means hiring a u-haul. for gay men, well dating is just trying to figure out which apartment to go back to. for straight people, well to summarize "jw" couritng as it was called would be when you got to know each other better to determine if you wanted to be exclusive (or "pinned") until you got pre-engaged (yes a brooklyn thing), which meant some sort of diamond chip thing, or a big necklace, followed by the engagment, the large wedding, and the ulitimate demise of the marriage to divorce.

speaking from the gay side of the tracks - i would say that i don't know many gay men that actually date. i think that might be part of my issue, i am an old soul trapped in this young (well i used to be able to say that with a "straight" - pardon the pun, face.

date - hmmmm friendster - i think not - did i mention the email i got from a friendster connection that was a husler - thanks gothamist.. - dating service - you are kidding, does this really work? though i have to say i know several heteros that seem to be making online connections.

ok, well i need to go and take my bitter pill now. tough to swallow you know....


Posted by: skutchie at August 18, 2003 2:47 PM

I think the term "date" is post script. As in, you often don't know whether or not it was a date until afterwards, when it's evident that one or both parties wants to see each other again in a manner that expects or hopes for a relationship of some kind, whether it's "sleeping buddies", "bootie calls", or something deeper. Occassionaly, someone does offer, "would you like to go on a date with me?", and then it is one simply by the act of using the word "date". Which is nice, because then no party is getting ready for the "appointment", wondering, "is this a date?". Wo is the person who hangs up the phone saying, "great, it's a date then". Does that mean a "date" or "mark it in your calendar"?

Otherwise, I think to say you are "dating" means that you are currently open to shared experiences whith one or more people that may afterward be refered to as a date. Then then if you go on sucessive dates with a person, you are "seeing each other", which means both of you may or may not also be "seeing other people", and are afraid to actually call this person your boyfriend or girlfriend.
So. That's what I think. And Corie can confirm that I was a serial dater.

Posted by: Kar at August 18, 2003 5:44 PM

I think it's all a matter of intentions. Are you attracted to the person. Did you ask them out hoping things would go well and you might get to at least kiss them by the end of the night. Then it's a date, at least on your end. It's probably more of a clear-cut date with strangers. Maybe you should date more strangers.

Posted by: nonreclusivesean at August 19, 2003 12:04 AM

Hmmm. Interesting. Maybe I just don't like the word. Or labels in general.

Posted by: callalillie at August 19, 2003 10:26 AM


Posted by: steve-o at January 21, 2004 7:03 PM

Being gay means to make out and fall in love with other men. When you kiss a man and if u r a man then u r gay, no offense though. If you know what make out means then u know what I am talking about.

Posted by: Kurtis Trent at March 5, 2004 11:41 PM


Posted by: Michael at April 7, 2004 4:20 PM

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