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January 25, 2008

Up to My Ears

Hubby's 1st Half

Ever have one of those weeks where you're not sure if you should grin with excitement or break down and cry? I'm somewhere between the two extremes right now and need a nice, long nap. The gist: I managed to make a lot of connections in the past few days and signed myself up for a lot of work. Good work, but work just the same. Classes also began this week and by Wednesday night I found myself under a pile of personal, professional and academic assignments that were both thrilling and daunting. More about a lot of this soon but in the meantime- a tidbit and an inquiry:

  1. Tidbit: This Sunday is the Manhattan 1/2 Marathon. I haven't run 13.1 miles in a long time and am excited. Lex and I are going together and it's probably a good bet that we will both be incapacitated by the end of the day. Regardless, I love the 1/2 marathon series t-shirts (I'd assume that the graphic will be done with each borough as the races progress). In fact, I think sometimes I just run NYRR races for the shirts.

  2. Inquiry: Would you consider historic preservation a true social movement?

Bonus note: I am officially in love with Ronnybrook Farm's chocolate milk. I have never been a fan of milk in general but this stuff is addictive. I'm sure the use of whole milk does the trick.

Posted by callalillie at January 25, 2008 6:14 AM | Inquiry , Random , Running


what makes something a social movement? is it the amount of people involved, or how visible the actions of the movement are? does it have to take place all over, or can it happen in just cities, or the country, or whatever? and i guess what makes it social. if we're taking about the preservation of objects and buildings, is that enough, or must other work be going on that relates somehow to how we as a culture think about the past, annd it's relevance to the future? cool question!

Posted by: sabrina at January 25, 2008 12:11 PM

I am in love with Ronnybrook farms drinkable yogurt. I'm lactose intolerant but I can eat/drink yogurt with no problems thanks to that 'friendly' bacteria that breaks down the milk sugar. I require a lot of yogurt in my life.

Posted by: Janine at January 25, 2008 3:10 PM

1. I love the t-shirt too. 13.1 miles is quite a respectable run.

2. Yes.

Ronnybrook Farms chocolate milk is sublime.

Posted by: Vickie at January 25, 2008 3:51 PM

1. I love the t-shirt too. 13.1 miles is quite a respectable run.

2. Yes.

Ronnybrook Farms chocolate milk is sublime.

Posted by: Vickie at January 25, 2008 3:51 PM

my computer is spazzing :)

Posted by: Vickie at January 25, 2008 3:52 PM

Good luck to both of you this weekend. (What does one say to runners to wish them fortune's favor? Certainly not "Break a leg," I would guess.) You're running 20K+! That's quite impressive.

I'm very curious -- why wouldn't historic preservation qualify as a "true" social movement? Is there a particular criterion that it fails to meet? (Would environmentalism face similar categorization issues?)

Posted by: Jen at January 25, 2008 5:05 PM

Jen- actually, I have the same question as you. I'm not sure why it wouldn't. However, you don't usually see much written about HP as a social movement. I'm just wondering what people out there think.

Posted by: corie at January 25, 2008 5:28 PM

i also wonder, what is the history of historic preservation? has it gone in and out of style, or is it something rather unique, tied to perhaps modernity? also, i'd be interested in attitudes regarding historic preservation in other countries and other cultures. what does the newness of america lend to our attitudes towards the preservation of historical places and spaces, as opposed to european or asian attitudes? and of course, there are cultures that do not have not vested much energy into creating long lasting architecture, how is thier view of private and public spaces different than our? what is worth preserving to people in cultures that rely less on long lasting objects and monuments?

Posted by: sabrina at February 1, 2008 4:29 PM

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