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August 22, 2005

You Haven't Changed a Bit

Some of us were taller, others thinner. One was gayer. We all were older. The bottom line was, however, that none of us had really changed much.

2005-08-21 MSHS.jpg

As old classmates trickled into A's parents' backyard, the alcohol flowed and conversations spread from "the abbreviated, sanitized story of the last ten years" to When did you lose your virginity? Who was the first person to break your heart? and you slept with HER/HIM???

By the end of the afternoon, we had breezed through the gossip of absentee people, deaths, mortgages and births. Each person had flipped through our senior yearbook at least once and I had sat, rapt, with A's scrapbook several times, recognizing photographs of us that I had long since discarded during a bout of depression, lamenting their demise, and getting lost in images and memories not touched upon in years.

Everyone claimed to have blocked bits of high school out; however, as our banter picked up where it had left off ten years before, it became apparent that the edges of our fragments did meet, forming a fractured yet lucid picture of the Class of 1995. It was not warm and fuzzy and it was not closure, but it was certainly the right thing to do.

Plus, it made me remember that I was once a candystriper.

Posted by callalillie at August 22, 2005 3:18 AM | Introspect , Old Enough to Have Way Back Memories


Hey! I took that photograph at St. Charles!!! I remember the Chipwich very well. LOL - I was just moving last month and came across all of those. I'm sorry I wasn't able to come, was looking forward to seeing everyone but USAirways is the worst company in the history of the world and wouldn't let me change airports w/o charging $500. I still have the negatives and if you're interested, I will look into making copies when I have the time and you could make a scrapbook of your very own. ;)

Posted by: Kerrin at August 22, 2005 12:49 PM

I've never seen/known a real life candy striper - only seen them on tv

Posted by: jenn aka j-yo at August 22, 2005 2:17 PM

now you do, baybee, now you do.

Posted by: corie at August 22, 2005 3:09 PM

Glad you kept the family tradition of candy striping. I volunteered at LIJ many moons ago in my yute. Do they still have those cute stripey uniforms?

Posted by: Vickie at August 22, 2005 6:14 PM

gayer? Seriously.

Posted by: jay at August 23, 2005 3:25 AM

okayokay. you're just as gay as you ever were.

Posted by: corie at August 23, 2005 3:45 PM

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