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April 1, 2005
He Brings Me Color on a Grey Day

When your Almost-Husband brings you home a cute t-shirt like this, how could you not love him more than anything in the whole world? Furthermore, how could you not, against any dress-code policies that your office might have, wear it to work?
Unrelated Question: I need a haircut. Aveda, in all of their good smelling evilness, has raised their prices to the point of which I cannot afford. Who can refer me to a reasonably priced (maximum $60) hair salon that won't cut my hair into some Williamsburg fashion mullet?
Posted by callalillie at April 1, 2005 9:16 AM | La Familia
Oh good! I knew it would fit you perfectly.
I'm just pissed that I didn't get up earlier to see it on you in person.
Posted by: alexis at April 1, 2005 9:40 AM
you might want to try Laurie at Pomona, on 7th Avenue. her cuts are great and i think she charges $50. love the shirt!
Posted by: bella at April 1, 2005 9:45 AM
is that your favorite pose for new clothes? i seem to remember some muppetlove action in the same manner.
also, i'm sure almost-husband would love fashion mullet. well, maybe not. but i would be amused.
Posted by: tien at April 1, 2005 9:53 AM
heh. yeah, it's me trying to feel comfortable in front of a camera, which is not an easy thing to attain. plus, when you have the camera on a timer, you've to to strike a pose fast.
i will only get a fashion mullet if i can wear acid washed jeans with zippers on the bottom, you know, just to confirm the fact that i am trying to be retro. maybe some neon, too.
Posted by: corie at April 1, 2005 9:59 AM
Someone recently recommended I got to bumble & bumble -- students-in-training give FREE! haircuts so long as you're willing to subject yourself to their experimentation. I'm told it's a pretty amazing deal, free of charge, and you actually get quite a bit of say in the style. Also, they are "students," but know what they are doing. I'm thinking of going myself...but then might have to do away with the
Posted by: yp at April 1, 2005 10:26 AM
i think your hair has to be a certain length for bumble. and it's during the day. and they might chop a lot, depending on the style they are learning.
Posted by: tien at April 1, 2005 10:33 AM
hmm. chopping a lot might be ok, as summer is coming at some point. and they are literally around the corner from my office.
Posted by: corie at April 1, 2005 10:38 AM
Wow, great shirt! Can I ask where your almost-husband purchased it?
Posted by: Lydia at April 1, 2005 10:51 AM
bumble and bumble usually requires A LOT of lead time (about a month) and about three hours in the chair during work hours. you have to stop by on a monday evening and they'll tell you when you can come back. fyi. and i love that shirt.
Posted by: beth at April 1, 2005 10:52 AM
If you are willing to go to the upper east side for a hair cut, Jodi at Amour de Hair on Lex btw. 88th & 89th is awesome. A cut w/ no blow dry is about $30-$35. She listens to what you want, always has good suggestions and is very no nonsense about the whole thing. I live in Brooklyn, but I trek up there for hair cuts. Last year I got two horrible hair cuts before my wedding and so at the suggestion of a friend, I went to Jodi and she totally fixed my managed hair. She's really good.
Posted by: juli at April 1, 2005 11:08 AM
Sorry, that's "mangled" not "managed." I definitely don't have managed hair. Oh, and the t-shirt is super cute!
Posted by: juli at April 1, 2005 11:09 AM
Almost husband says:
For this and other fine goods:
Go to Enamoo at 109 Smith street in Cobble Hill.
Posted by: Alexis at April 1, 2005 11:34 AM
I was able to take advantage of a few fabulous haricuts at the bumble & bumble university. It does require more time than a typical haircut, but it is free and you do have a say in what they do. I'd recommend getting on their list and when an opening comes up that works for you, take advantage of it!
Posted by: Alaina at April 1, 2005 11:51 AM
please define/describe "fashion mullet". thanks.
Posted by: kar at April 1, 2005 12:14 PM
Love the shirt! (and the post) :-)
Posted by: carrster at April 1, 2005 2:00 PM
you don't look like you in that photo.
good choice on the shirt, future husband.
Posted by: nicole at April 2, 2005 12:04 AM
I have no help to contribute... I just can't believe that $60 is "reasonable" for a haircut. Perhaps that's because a blind squirrel could "style" my hair. It pretty much takes just an electric clipper. I don't recommend it for you, though, at least from the picture.
Posted by: Jesse at April 2, 2005 12:28 AM
Try Gina at Parlor on Ave. B in the East Village. I can't remember what she charges, but she does a great job and she's very good at listening. It's an Aveda salon, too, so you still get to smell fabulous.
Posted by: Emily at April 2, 2005 6:04 AM
The best and cheapest haircut I ever got in NY is Sam at DPS - 244 E 23rd St. It's a dive place...but the haircuts and color are priced well. A haircut is $26.00. 212-725-7088 It's not fancy...but for $26.00 I really didn't go for ambience. And Sam does the best job. Great place!
Posted by: Sue at April 2, 2005 2:35 PM
Love the shirt. The almost-husband must rock!
Posted by: Shiz at April 5, 2005 3:01 AM
I'm a fanatic about my hair and am constantly on a search for great cuts (and color) at reasonable prices.
I've done the Bumble & bumble thing and I recommend it. The first time you have to go to this "open call" on Mondays, from 5pm or so until whenever. You wait on line for the stylists to see your hair and find out what you're looking for in a cut. They had four basic cuts to choose from when I was there, two long, two short. (I went with the 'long razor' which was exactly what I was looking for.) The appointment I got was during the day (2:30 pm) and it was about a month after the "open call."
It's been a few months since my haircut and just a few weeks ago I received an email alerting me to upcoming model cut appointments. I was able to set the whole thing up through email this time. My appointment is in the middle of the day again.
If you'd like more control and convenience... I would also recommend Parlor in the East Village. Unfortunately I can't recommend a specific stylist. The stylist I used to go to there was great -- her name's Kim. But she recently moved to Liacale (on Grand St in SoHo) and her price jumped up to $70 or so. If you're willing to spend that much, I would absolutely recommend her.
Hope this helps!
Posted by: Joanne at April 6, 2005 2:00 AM
I'd recommend my stylist, Colin - but I'm guessing 3000 miles is a bit far for a good hairdresser.
Posted by: domino at April 7, 2005 6:55 AM
Ahhhh! Someone please help me. Why do I have to be summoned to a life of the so call simple pony tail? I have long, thick, crazy hair. I'm sick of paying for hairstyles that do no justice. I don't know what to do. I have seen many hair dresser's and paid alot of money. No matter who does it looks a mess. Men, women, white, black, and spanish have tried to tame my mane and I have yet to find the majical hands to work majic to my hair. I'm about to go to this University and see what could they do to help. Worst thing that couls happen is I get a nice do. Other wise I'll just wear my officail ponytail.
Posted by: dominique at July 25, 2005 1:54 PM