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September 25, 2003

Jest Hits the Nail on the Head


The cover of Jest Magazine's October issue is, to quote Skutchie, flawless (though the one thing missing from the picture is the father wearing a video camera around his neck). A quote from the article 9/11 Reconsidered furthers the notion:

"Say what you like, but this whole thing is a wake-up call to America. Whenever I see some dumb, overfed American waving a flag or wearing his 'WE'LL NEVER FORGET' tee-shirt, I just want to grab him by the shirt collar and say, 'You're the problem, man!'" -interviewed in Union Square Park.

I'd go further-- this is how I still feel now. I can't go downtown without my blood pressure rising.

Posted by callalillie at September 25, 2003 9:49 AM | My Country , September 11th


Yeah, they're the problem, but so are New York's good merchants who've been hawking this garbage since before the dust even settled. I was living in Boston at the time, and not a day and a half had passed before 'kill bin Laden' merch was on every corner as though a "sleeper factory" had been activated on the afternoon of the eleventh.

I mean, it's not like our kids are taught to curb their arrogance in school, nor do we dare correct people's behavior for fear of judging them (God forbid we're intolerant). To the person who wants to shake up those corn fed billboards and give them a lesson in what is and what is not appropriate, I say tell 'em.

Meanwhile, I'm moving to Micronesia.

Posted by: Will at September 25, 2003 4:29 PM

okay, my friend and i had this idea back in high school. we wanted to make t-shirts that had the i love new york thing in the front - not absurdly large, but maybe like like a 5" square. then on the back the shirts would say, again in small print, "i hate tourists."

would that be wrong?

Posted by: tien at September 26, 2003 3:37 PM

i'd buy one. or maybe "i love new york" and on the back "go home."

Posted by: callalillie at September 26, 2003 3:49 PM

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