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September 2, 2003

Circle of Hope

circlelogo.gifA Silent Candlelight Vigil to Encircle the WTC site

On the night before September 11, let us come together to mourn, reflect and heal.

September 10, 2003

6:45 pm Gather at Union Square Park (14th and Broadway)

7:15 pm Silent candelight procession down Broadway to encircle the World Trade Center site

Why a Circle of Hope?

In the immediate aftermath of the tragedy of September 11th, 2001, expressions of sympathy and solidarity with the victims poured in from people all over the world. As the victims' family members, we witnessed and received extraordinary acts of compassion. Many visualized a phoenix of peace arising from the ashes of the crash sites.

On this second anniversary, we invite you to gather with us to mourn the lost, heal the survivors and rekindle the hope for a better world.

If you are not in New York City, visit September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows to create or join a Circle of Hope in your area.

Please note: This is a silent vigil, not a political rally. Please bring a candle and leave signs at home.

Posted by callalillie at September 2, 2003 2:38 PM | September 11th

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