About Callalillie
My name is Corie Trancho-Robie. This blog is a place for me to share my thoughts about random life, ranging from personal to academic.

Two areas of my personal and academic study revolve around the social histories of Officer's/Admiral's Row at the Brooklyn Navy Yard and the East River Homes [aka The Cherokee Apartments, aka The Shively Sanitary Tenements], located on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. I am fascinated by the relationship between architecture and the social history of public schools, particularly in New York City. Basically, I am interested in collective memory and the urban built environment.

I live in Brooklyn with my husband and our four cats: Irving, Olive, Olga and Frieda. Irving has allergies, Olive gets picked on, Olga is fat and Frieda has a black coat with white panties.

From time to time I collect cat whiskers. If you find some, send them to me.

The photographs on this site were taken primarily with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel.

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Last, but not least:
The images and content on this site are (c) 2003-2008 Corie Trancho-Robie; All rights reserved. Want to use some content? Please ask.


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