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August 29, 2005
Searching for a New 'Hood

Alexis and I spent the better part of this weekend snooping around new neighborhoods. Though we do not have a definitive move date yet, we both are beginning to feel the pressure of finding a place that both fits our needs and makes us happy.
We began the day visiting an open house in Park Slope-- a beautiful 2BR brownstone floor through, nicely renovated with a great kitchen. The price was right, but when we got there, we realized that swarms of people had visited and that there would most likely be a rent bidding war. A bit crestfallen, we walked on, hitting South Slope/Greenwood Heights (is that really a neighborhood?) and Prospect Heights on Saturday, then the Gowanus area, Cobble Hill and Carroll Gardens on Sunday.
End Result: Nothing is really available over this Labor Day stretch. Furthermore, since when do bidding wars happen with RENTALS?
Thirdly, when did the cute little Le Gamin open up on Vanderbilt Avenue? (Le Gamin brings back early NYC memories for me, evoking the warm fuzzies of a simple tartin and cup of coffee, savored over many hours.)
And lastly, why is it suddenly so hard to think about leaving Park Slope, the neighborhood that I have loved to hate? I feel silly and spoiled to think that the amenities of Park Slope keep me here, but at the same time, what is wrong with savoring convenience?
Posted by callalillie at August 29, 2005 6:56 AM | City Life
no no, you just crave a monster stroller.
Posted by: tien at August 29, 2005 9:16 AM
I forgot to mention that when we looked at that Park Slope apartment, the owners told us "Beware! This building is fertile! Everyone who has lived here has gotten pregnant!"
We left shortly thereafter.
Posted by: corie at August 29, 2005 9:19 AM
1) Park Slope is a GREAT neighborhood - there's nothing to be ashamed of in feeling so. After two years in the Slope, two years in Clinton Hill seemed like the wilderness. And Clinton Hill/Ft. Greene are ALSO great neighborhoods - nevertheless, I ended up back in the slope.
2) Le Gamin has been in place for almost two years I'd guess. The development occuring on Vanderbilt is somethin' else!
Posted by: jeff at August 29, 2005 9:22 AM
Wait 2 more weeks to start looking for a place.
Right now you are competing with all the back to schoolers (truant as they may be) and the prices/quality of what you are seeing reflect that.
Having lived in no less than 7 apartments in the last 7 years I hold true to my theory that the best time to look for a place is in October.
P/S I live in Clinton Hill - as I do most of my bidding there (COOP, yoga etc) the extended pleasures of Park Slope are a mere 12 minute walk away plus Clinton Hill is much quieter (has less babies) that the Slope
Posted by: tiya at August 29, 2005 1:26 PM
I wish I had known Le Gamin was there. I remember reading that it was coming, then promptly forgot.
As for searching dates...we may need a place by oct 1 or 15...maybe later, but probably around then. It's tough to time a rental based on an apt sale-- the deal ain't done until the closing happens...
Posted by: corie at August 29, 2005 1:33 PM
you know, you can set it so there is some leeway for your moving. i mean, once a deal is in escrow, there's a pretty long time until you have to close.
Posted by: tien at August 29, 2005 2:38 PM
yes and no. no banks involved, so it will move much faster, should the deal go through. i'm not convinced that this bid will work out, but we'll see.
Posted by: corie at August 29, 2005 3:28 PM
nothing quite like a rich buyer.
Posted by: tien at August 29, 2005 4:23 PM
le gamin is near my new place i think. sam and i are in love with prospect heights! i highly recommend it!
Posted by: dahl at September 4, 2005 12:36 AM
New Nabes: Check out Bushwick - this is the next hot youthfull artist inhabited nabe! Its a riser. Two bedrooms are avaialble for $1200/mo.
Posted by: Victor Carella at September 6, 2005 4:48 PM
Posted by: Jay at September 6, 2005 4:54 PM
Posted by: Grunt at September 6, 2005 10:58 PM